4-23-22: Part 3: “Family Caregiving” with my Fabulous Mama (Bobbie Gray Diffee-Gunn) and me, Robin Gunn

PART 3 of Family Caregiving with my Fabulous Mama (Bobbie Gray Diffee-Gunn)  … We just spoke last week at the OPHC (Oklahoma Professionals for Home Care) and we are speaking next Thursday at a Family Caregiver Breakfast Group that meets at Cattlemen’s … Plus you can listen to PART 3 of Family Caregiving with myself & my Mom this Saturday 4/23/22 morning at 9:05am on the NEW 96.9FM The Eagle 🦅 ! 
Also as the owner of the OSJ magazine for the last 30 years and The Rise & Thrive OSJ Radio Hour for the last 6 years … We ARE The 1# experts in our Field on ANY issues / resources for the 50-Plus and for those that 💜 Love, Care & Serve them! The OSJ / Editor (yours truly) is also a “Veiwpoint” Sunday Oklahoman Columnist and these last three OSJ Radio Shows on Family Caregiving are Additions to our columns in the 2nd Sunday of The  Oklahoman!  Here is the digital version Article we ran in this Easter Sunday Oklahoman Newspaper on 4/17/22; https://www.oklahoman.com/story/opinion/2022/04/17/viewpoint-palliative-hospice-can-help-patients-families/7287939001/
Dad (Gordon Carl Gunn) was diagnosed with dementia/Alzheimer’s in 2004 and this was the last vacation we got to take with him! We Took care of him for 8 1/2 years at home and part-time for 5 1/2 years at the VA Center!
The sandwich generation is a group of middle-aged adults who care for both their aging parents and their own children. It is not a specific generation or cohort in the sense of the Greatest generation or Baby boomers, but a phenomenon that can affect
 anyone whose parents and children need support at the same time.

Robin R. Gunn | rgunn@okseniorjournal.com

Editor / Publisher / On Air Host/
Sunday Oklahoman Columnist in “ViewPoints”
Oklahoma Senior Journal,
Since 1993
(405) 816-7889 | Honoree 2022 for “Ladies in the News”
2022 Oklahoma Business Woman “Trailblazer” Honoree

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