One minute of commercials running four times a month (production costs included.)
These can be 1-minute or 30-second spots.
On-air time - Three exclusive one-hour shows a year with up to two guests of your choice.
ALSO...a recording of the show sent to you to post and use as you’d like.
Radio shows are also on the OSJ website and app for up to one year (see below.)
Facebook posts of your upcoming radio show with photos and bio PLUS Facebook paid advertising & boosts for your shows/air time. Production costs included.
Featured placement at top of OSJ’s weekly e-newsletter for the week of your shows. Sent to over 5,500 customers. Feature will include in-studio photo, headshot, brief bio & link back to your website/email. Production costs included.
Radio shows available for one year on the OSJ App. Current & past shows are constantly promoted.
Radio shows are shown as blog posts, and kept up to one year on the OSJ website.
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Signup today for free and be the first to get notified on news & offers. And don’t worry, we hate spam too! You can unsubscribe at any time. And we do NOT share your information!
You will get a link to download our app for important announcements, radio shows, and offers.