9-4-21: Dr. Tom Allen & James Mcfadden: Two Oklahoma Senior Game athletes from Tulsa

Robin is interviewing through zoom, two more Oklahoma Senior Game athletes from Tulsa, Oklahoma! Tune in this Saturday, Sept. 4, at 9:05 on KZLS 1640am The Eagle. See athletes below and their bios.
The OSJ is a platinum sponser for this event.
Contact info is OKseniorgames.com 405-821-1500 info@okseniorgames.com
the dates for the games are sept 4- oct 30 and to enter games, you must sign up 2 weeks previous to the game you want to compete in.

Dr. Tom Allen is broadly published in the areas of pulmonary medicine, human physiology and sports medicine. Dr. Allen was the founding director of the sports medicine residency at Oklahoma State University. A competitive athlete since his schooldays he continues to compete in track and field focusing on the short sprints and the pole-vault.

James Mcfadden is  81 years old and a lifelong runner from Tulsa. He ran his first race in 1955 as a 15 year old and was a state champion in high school, an all-american in college and ran in the olympic  trials for the US Army team. After the army, he turned to road racing and marathons, where he went on to win races in 35 states. In his 20’s, he set a state record for the marathon. He has also been a high school coach and art teacher for the last 40 years.
Over the years, he has won several running and walking events in the Oklahoma Senior Games. He has also won events in the Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Mississippi Senior Games.
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