9-3-22: OK Senior Games Phil Fitzgerald, Dennis Rhodes, and OSJ’s new Dir of Biz Angel Meyers

Oklahoma Senior Games is running in September & October 2022 with over 800 participants! You can be a participant too as long as you sign up two weeks before your event and also they need volunteers 🙌🏼volunteers 🙌🏼volunteers 🙌🏼 they will also be at the state fair on Senior Day and you get some bonuses for being a volunteer during the state fair!
 We are talking on the Rise & Thrive Oklahoma Senior Journal Radio Hour – competitors from left to right: Phil Fitzgerald (track & field & water 💦 walking & Pickle Ball ), Angel 😇 Meyers the New OSJ, “Director of Business Expansion” for the OSJ as well as the SecondHalfExpo.com is joining us too! Angel said, after being on this OSJ / radio show that she wants to participate next year at the Oklahoma Senior Games! Along with Dennis Rhodes who is a “Table Tennis” Enthusiast and Expert- both him and Phil have won multiple medals🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅‼️
Dennis Rhodes: I started playing table tennis 7 years ago at the Oklahoma City Table Tennis Club. I had been an MMA instructor for 15 years for Bill Cagle Martial Arts Studio, but I had both of my knees replaced and thought it prudent to change sports. I tried table tennis and liked it. I have played many tournaments and senior games. I am always trying to improve my skill. I want to play in A group on league night.
Phil Fitzgerald: After moving to Edmond in 2019, I was introduced to pickleball. Several new friends told me about the 2020 Senior Games. I knew I’d play in pickleball events, but I also realized my love of running enabled me to participate in more. Since then, I’ve had fun with pickleball, several track and field events, and even water walking!
Angel Myers is our new Director of Business Expansion at the Oklahoma Senior Journal and the Second Half Expo. Give her a call at 405.850.3025 or an email at angel@secondhalfexpo.com. She would love to talk to you about expanding your business opportunities with us!
Go to okseniorgames.com for schedule to volunteer or to participate or to be a spectator…  The website has it all or Call: (405) 821-1500
For more information (405) 821-1500
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