9-2-23: Life Long Learning with OLLI at Oklahoma State University -OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTION

What is OLLI? … Stands for OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTION. It is The Joy of Learning Educational Programs for adults aged 50 & better. OLLI’s mission is to foster intellectual situation and Social Engagement through an Extensive array of learning opportunities curated by & for our members. OLLI offers courses, lectures, workshops, travel opportunities & special events! Robbin Davis, CVA on the left of me is The Director of OLLI located not only in Stillwater, but Oklahoma City Bartlesville, Norman & online!

A native Oklahoman, Robbin Davis has spent most of her career serving the public. Previous to joining OLLI as the Director, Robbin worked at the Oklahoma Historical Society for 14 years in a variety of capacities. Robbin is a graduate of Oklahoma City University and Oklahoma State University. Robbin and her daughter love to travel and hunt for treasure at thrift stores and estate sales.

Listen in this Saturday 9/2/23 at 9:05AM on FREEDOM 96.9FM to this very need to know about unique program!




(405) 744-5868, M-F, 8am-5pm



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