8-14-21: Jason Manning & Derek Lehman from Oklahoma Physical Therapy


What are “Infrared Video Goggles”? They are used for video monitoring and recording of patient eye movements in order to more accurately diagnose and treat dizziness and balance disorders.

I had many phone calls and emails to rerun this show that Originally aired 3/13/21 on how very different it is from all the others … they are 100% patient oriented not insurance or corporate!

This week on Saturday morning at 9:05AM on KZLS The Eagle 1640AM. We’re in the Rise & Thrive OSJ Radio Hour Studio with Oklahoma Physical Therapy – Owners and Physical Therapist, (left) Jason Manning and (center) Derek Lehman … You literally will not believe all the things Oklahoma Physical Therapy can do for you AND you ARE NOT treated like a number there!

Jason Manning completed the physical therapy program at Texas Woman’s University in 2004. He has completed additional training in Dry Needling, Vestibular Rehab, and completed a Fellowship training in Manual Therapy in 2009. He has practiced in Orthopedics for 17 years, and has a strong background in spinal and orthopedic dysfunctions.



Derek Lehman completed the physical therapy program at OUHSC in 2013. He has completed additional training in Dry Needling, Vestibular Rehab, and completed a Fellowship training in Manual Therapy in 2018. He also has a strong background in spinal and orthopedic dysfunctions. He speaks Spanish, and lived in Honduras with his wife for about one year prior to becoming a physical therapist.


Website: www.oklahomaphysicaltherapy.com

North OKC Facebook: www.facebook.com/oklahomaphysicaltherapy

South OKC Facebook: www.facebook.com/OPTSouthOKC

North OKC phone number: 405-749-6281

South OKC phone number: 405-759-7719

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