In-Studio Hearing Test with Dr. Jeni Merrick-Baker, Au.D who is a clinical audiologist and owner of Ears of Oklahoma in OKC and Ardmore, Oklahoma! Dr. Merrick-Baker works in a profession that in part helps senior adults. What drew Dr. Baker to helping older Oklahomans ? I will ask Dr. Merrick-Baker this question and so many more to help you understand how correcting your hearing loss can correct many other health issues. Did you know hearing loss has been traced complicating dementia and Alzheimer’s… Which can be helped by addressing your hearing loss!
Jeni Merrick-Baker, Au.D is a clinical audiologist and owner of Ears of Oklahoma. She completed her undergraduate studies at Oklahoma City University, received her doctorate in audiology from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, and completed her residency at the Hough Ear Institute in Oklahoma City. From 1999 to 2020, Dr. Merrick-Baker was a clinical audiologist helping patients with vestibular disorders and hearing loss. She recently opened her own practice in Oklahoma City, Ears of Oklahoma, which serves the Oklahoma City metro and surrounding areas with services including diagnostic testing, hearing aids and cerumen removal, hearing rehabilitation, hearing conservation, and concierge hearing services. In addition to her practice in Oklahoma City, Dr. Baker has a practice in Ardmore, Oklahoma that serves Carter County.
Phone number: 405-673-1327
Address: 3330 N.W. 56th Street, Suite 105