Kay Stout (pictured left) is a career transition and outplacement consultant. She has developed three successful non profit organizations, been a radio host on KTOC, was chairman of Sales and Marketing Executives International Dinner and one of the first to adopt linked-in.
At Second Chance Animal Sanctuary, Kay was part of the documentary “The Dogs of Lexington” (Nominated for an Academy award) that validates not only the connection between dogs and humans but also the value of a shelter dog and a prisoner who are given a second chance.
Kay’s administrative skills and passion for rescuing animals impacted over 14,000 pets in many states.
Kay is also a member of VillageOKC it’s a plan and not a place so not only will we be talking about Kay’s personal history on the OSJ / radio hour. We are asking Kay what it’s like to be a member of VillagesOKC.org
Listen in on The New Eagle 96.9FM This Saturday 4/30/22 at 9:05am
website: https://villagesokc.helpfulvillage.com
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Phone: 405-990-6637