4-29-23: LANCE ROBERTSON, Director with Guidehouse

We “Zoomed” in the Honorable Lance Robertson and we will be discussing what are “Listening Sessions” and when do they meet? Though out the State of Oklahoma for our 50+ & Their Adult Children! Oklahoma is developing a Master (or MultiSector) Plan on Aging, a bold commitment to better serving aging Oklahomans today and the decade to come.  We would like to provide an overview and really stress the need for stakeholder feedback during the week of  May 8th  through May 12th, 2023 (listening sessions being held in 5 locations statewide).
 All sessions are at No Cost held from 1:00pm to 3:30pm:
MAY 8- Woodward, OK
MAY 9- Tulsa, OK
MAY 10- McAlester, OK
MAY 11- Lawton, OK
MAY 12- Oklahoma City, OK
Go to the this link to get the location of each “Listening Sessions”
The primary link for what we will be discussing is this one:  https://oklahoma.gov/okdhs/services/cap/mpa.html.
The Honorable Lance Robertson is the former US Assistant Secretary for Aging and Administrator of the federal agency responsible for 140 million older Americans and people with disabilities, the HHS Administration for Community Living.  For a decade prior to federal service, he served as Oklahoma’s Director of Aging Services.  He is currently a Director with Guidehouse.
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