2-5-22: Care Talk Part 3: Family Caregiving with Bobbie Gray Diffee-Gunn and Robin Gunn

CARE TALK Part 3 (family caregiving).  Pictured L to R is My Mom Bobbie Gray Diffee-Gunn and The Me!

What could be more important than the ones we love? Their health and happiness are never far from our minds. When considering how to care for a dearly loved one, there are few challenges that would inhibit us from helping them in the best way. Family caregiving is one of the paths many will have to walk down when dealing with their loved one’s needs.
This is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart. I know firsthand what goes into being a family caregiver. I intimately assisted in the care of my ailing father, Gordon C. Gunn, for close to 13 years. He suffered from dementia, and we as a family took it upon ourselves to care for his ever-changing daily needs and concerns. Subsequently, I have been dedicated to assisting others to walk this path with as much strength, wisdom and dignity possible.
The OSJ Editor & Publisher is now also a Columnist for the Oklahoman The second Sunday of every month in the viewpoint section! We are covering for several theories and articles on family caregiving! 
Here is January 8th column article link: https://bit.ly/3JVP0Pm
Next OSJ/Robin Gunn informative article will be 2/12/22 in the Sunday Oklahoman “ViewPoint” section continuing on with our series on family caregiving! 240,000+ in the State of Oklahoma Alone!
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