2-29-20:Roger Anunsen and Michael C. Patterson of MINDRAMP Consulting

This week on The Rise & Thrive OSJ Radio Hour, Saturday morning at 9:05AM • 12/7/19 on KZLS The Eagle 640AM.  In studio: (L to R) Roger Anunsen and Michael Patterson are the co-founders. of MindRAMP. Roger & Michael use evidence-based data from the latest research to provide fascinating, engaging and motivating learning opportunities on the Brain that are hopeful without a “Pill.”

MindRAMP Founders Michael Patterson and Roger Anunsen are pioneers in the field of “Applied Brain Sciences.” They are brain health educators, consultants and coaches who in their words “put evidence-based science into plain English.”  Their company is MINDRAMP; they are authors of two textbooks Strong Brains, Sharp Minds and Cognitive Activity Design and a Cognitive Wellness Playbook.

Michael C.Patterson
Michael C. Patterson
Roger Anunsen
Roger Anunsen

For over a year now these engaging and creative MINDRAMP coaches have served as consultants for Villages OKC. They have also been the presenters for a number of VillagesOKC events,such as Take Your Brain Back to School, Brain Boot Camp and This is Your Brain on Music., Your Brain on Chocolate. They use evidence-based data from the latest research to provide fascinating, engaging and motivating learning opportunities.


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