12-30-17: Greg & Nathan Gunn—Brothers of Robin Gunn, OSJ editor & On Air Host!

Guests in studio: Greg Gunn (founder of Family-ID) & Nathan Gunn (Pastor & President of Jesus Booth Ministries)—Brothers of Robin Gunn,  OSJ Editor & On Air Host!

Greg C. Gunn, founder of Family-ID, life coach, pastor, author, speaker and most important husband/father. Greg believes you can be a world-changer right where you are! He is a husband of over 33 years, a father of seven kids, a father-in-law and a grandfather of four. He owned and operated a successful financial services business for 30 years. For 20 years Greg has led Family Vision Ministries, a ministry that helps families put their purpose on paper and pass it on to future generations. Click here to visit and learn more at Greg’s website www.Family-ID.com

Nathan W. Gunn is a Pastor and President of the Mission Organization Jesus Booth Ministries. He has spent the last 20 years ministering in Los Angeles, New York, Africa, India and many other places. He has provided outreach tools for other churches and organizations in the U.S and around the world. He spends 4 to 5 days a week, right here in downtown OKC ministering to people by building relationships, praying for their needs, whether it be physical, spiritual or financial and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nathan is also an artist and he has used his art as an outreach tool. Click here to visit Nathan’s website and click here to visit his Facebook page

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