3-16-19: In-studio: Claire Dowers-Nichols talking about Senior Day at the Capitol; Volunteer Jill Walker & Area Commander Susan Ellis with the Salvation Army

This week on The Rise & Thrive OSJ Radio 📻 Hour Saturdays 9:05 a.m. on The Eagle, KZLS 1640AM or listen in on the OSJ app and website “Home Page” anytime! In-studio: (l-r) Volunteer Jill Walker & Area Commander Susan Ellis with the Salvation Army. Also in studio is Claire Dowers-Nichols talking about Senior Day at the Capitol

Susan Ellis serves as Area Commander for The Salvation Army of Central Oklahoma. Susan oversees programs and services throughout the service area of Canadian, Cleveland and Oklahoma counties. She grew up in Augusta, Georgia and attended the University of Georgia, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism. She enjoys knitting and crocheting, cooking, and cycling with her husband.


Jill Walker plays a very active role at The Salvation Army of Central Oklahoma through her volunteerism. She currently serves on The Salvation Army Advisory Board and is treasurer for The Salvation Army of Central Oklahoma’s Women’s Auxiliary. She is co-owner of Maccini Construction Company, a general contracting and construction management firm in business since 1982, providing commercial and residential construction services.


Claire Dowers-Nichols is the Executive Director of Healthy Living OKC, Oklahoma City’s first MAPS 3 Adult Wellness Center. Claire has spent her career developing programs to better serve older Oklahomans. She serves in a variety of leadership and advisory roles for state and national organizations and is excited to be involved with Senior Day at the Capitol. REGISTER FOR SENIOR DAY HERE


32nd Annual Celebration of Hope Silent (400 Items)  Auction & Luncheon – Hosted By the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary April 10th from 9:30am to 1pm
at Church of the Servant 14343 N. MacArthur Blvd. OKC. For Tickets Call; Jill Walker at (405) 627-1334 or GO TO: Facebook @ SalvationArmyAuxiliaryOKC

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