11-4-23: Socks for Seniors Oklahoma! Nancy Doran and Sue McMillan


Socks 🧦 for Seniors Oklahoma a 501 (something) were in the OSJ Radio Studio and through thoughtful intentions has grow into more then 🧦 Socks for our Senior Oklahoma (they still get 🧦 socks of course) though donations & volunteers from local Businesses, Services & in-kind Donations … Socks 🧦 for Seniors Oklahoma is always needing your help! A Beautiful Wonderful Cause; 🧦 Socks for Seniors Oklahoma of course came for more then Humble beginnings … listen to their whole story this Saturday 5th at 9:05am on FREEDOM 96.9FM

Co-Founders of 🧦 Socks for Seniors Oklahoma (left) is: Nancy Doran & (center) Sue McMillan.
Sue McMillan Bio: I wear many hats. I am a legal assistant to my husband’s law firm, a licensed Certified Fraud Examiner, Real Estate Broker, sell insurance and investments. We also farm with a cow-calf operation. In 2013 I founded Socks for Seniors OK, in 2018 Socks for Seniors OK became a 501(c)3 charitable organization. I am a wife, mother to 3, grandmother to 6 and great grandmother to 13 as well as my dog, 2 cats and 2 donkeys.
Nancy Doran Bio: I currently work part time as a contracted accountant and volunteer as an Administrator for Socks for Seniors OK. I retired in 2016 after 25 years’ experience in management of administrative services & logistics in a manufacturing environment. I have over 3 years’ experience in management of software implementation and over 7 years of experience in the retail and banking environment. I am widowed & a mother to 1 son and 1 grandson.

Brochure A - Click to enlarge

Brochure A – Click to enlarge

Brochure B - Click to enlarge

Brochure B – Click to enlarge

​Facebook: Socks for Seniors Oklahoma

​Website: www.socksforseniorsok.org

​Email: socksforseniorsok@coxinet.net

​3240 W Britton Rd, Ste 103, ​Oklahoma City OK 73120

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