The OSJ with yours Truly and Angel Meyers as my Co-Host who is the Director of Business Expansion for the OSJ ! We are doing a live remote from Santa
Market on 12/2/22 from 9:05am to 10am from the OKC Fair grounds at The Santa Market 2022!

We will be interviewing Live Joan Clack and other co-founders of Santa Market – Molly & Megan Plus all kinds of vendors from the show!
The OSJ is a Diamond Sponsor for The Santa Market 13th Annual Holiday Craft Fair at the Pavilion Building at the State Fair Grounds in OKC for (Friday & Saturday) December the 2nd & the 3rd, 2022 from 9am to 4pm over 180 vendors and all proceeds to the Local Alzheimer’s Association!

Joan Clark one of the Co-Founder’s of The Santa Market is our guest this Saturday 11/26/22 on The Rise & Thrive OSJ Radio

Phone: +1 (405) 314-1033
Facebook and Instagram: The Santa Market