10-31-20: Oklahoma Caregivers Conference is Virtual! I visit with Nadine Walter of OKDHS Aging Services Programs and Lex Heatrice with COX Homelife Care about it

“Celebrating Family CareGivers” at the Third Annual Oklahoma Caregivers Conference is Happening Virtually this Year on November the 5th & 12th … IT IS FREE but You Must Register to Get Your Link to Join in the Fun, Vital Information and Educational Sessions and do so From the Comfort of Your Home or Office!
Click to view Conference Flyer
Click to view & download conference Sponsor Form

This week on The Rise & Thrive OSJ Radio Hour, Saturday morning at 9:05AM on KZLS The Eagle 1640AM. In studio pictured Left to Right: Nadine Walter of the DHS Aging Services Programs for Oklahoma and Alexis Heatrice  (Lex) is one of the Oklahoma Caregivers Conference Sponsors with COX Homelife Care. There are 250,000 Family Caregivers in the State of Oklahoma and this Conference is Celebrating 🥳 Their need to have local resources and knowledge!

Nadine Walter earned her Human Ecology and Gerontology degrees from Kansas State University. Her career has included being employed by ASCOG Area Agency on Aging and DHS Aging Services to oversee various senior and family caregiver programs. Nadine is passionate in supporting Oklahoma family caregivers to keep their loved ones safely at home using various home and community-based services. She proudly works for the DHS Aging Services Programs for Oklahoma.

lexAlexis Heatrice has worked for Cox since 2016. During his tenure with Cox, Alexis has been dedicated to ensure that every home is safe with the utilization of technology. Alexis serves with many local organizations RSVP Advisory Council, Sunbeam Advisory Council, OK Caregiver Coalition, and many others. When not working he enjoys time with family, vacationing, cooking, fishing, hunting, and ballroom dancingCall today for information on Smart Technology  1-844-347-2214 or visit www.cox.com/homelifecare



Cox Homelife Care
(405) 541-9350 (call Lex)
Website: www.cox.com/homelifecare



OHS Phone: 1-877-751-2972


Oklahoma Caregivers Conference: Nov 5 & 12, 2020

OKCares.org – Sign up today!


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