Left to Right in the OSJ Studio is Angel
Meyers the Director of Business Expansion for the OSJ Magazine & Radio along with the Second Half Expo and (center) is Bob Loudermilk co-Founder of the SecondHalfExpo.com and Yours Truly Robin R. Gunn, The OSJ Publisher & Editor, On Air Host & co-Founder of the Second Half Expo!

Learn How you can be a vendor at the Second Half Expo and in the 30 Year Anniversary of the Okseniorjournal.com for a total of 20% off when you do both!

The SecondHalfExpo.com will be on October the 22nd, 2022 from 8:30am to 2pm at the National Western Heritage Museum! Free Admission & Parking and over 100 vendors. A few tables left or sponsorships!

Then to be “BEYOND THE EXPO” you get a discounted page in the next issue of the 30th Anniversary of the OSJ Magazine and we will be a insert in the Sunday Oklahoman to the tune of 27,000 on top of our 650+ monthly distribution locations in the 405 and Just added Stillwater & Shawnee a regular distribution points!
Angel Myers – Oklahoma Senior Journal /Second Half Expo – Director of Business Expansion
Bob Loundermlik- Co-Founder of Senior Half Expo and Trade Show Event Nader said the last 24 years!

Robin R. Gunn 30 Year Publisher /Editor of the OSJ Magazine/ 6 Years Host of the Rise & Thrive OSJ Radio Hour every Saturday morning at 9:05am on the 100,000 Watt New Talk Radio 96.9FM The
Eagle! “Ladies in the News” Honoree for 2022 | Valliance Bank Business Woman “Trailblazer” Honoree 2022 !

Each OSJ magazine gets you six extra months of advertising after the Expo!
Facebook: @Oklahoma Senior Journal
Facebook: @Second Half Expo
Instagram: @Oklahoma Senior Journal
Sign up for both the Second Half Expo & Oklahoma Senior Journal’s e-newsletters on seniorhalfexpo.com
OSJ Email: rgunn@okseniorjournal.com
Second Half Expo Email: bob@secondhalfexpo.com
Or Email Angel Myers for both the OSJ and Second half expo at: angelmyers67@icloud.com
Or call: Robin @ (405) 816-7889
Or call Bob @ (316) 299-8272
Or call Angel @ (405) 850-3025