Triad is an agreement between local law enforcement and older/retired persons to work together to reduce the criminal victimization of the elderly. Triad enhances the delivery of law enforcement services to our older citizens.

Triad educates citizens in crime prevention and victim/witness programs for older persons. Triad also recruits and trains volunteers to assist the police and sheriff’s departments. Triad provides a forum for law enforcement and the community to share needs and concerns and work together to develop solutions and identify problem areas for seniors, and develop and implement community wide solutions.

The advisory group that carries out Triad activities goes by the acronym, SALT (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together). Members of most SALT groups include Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, RSVP, AARP, The Agency on Aging, retired leaders, home extension services, emergency response/medical representatives, and any other agencies or persons interested in the welfare of senior citizens.

A county may decide to have one county-wide SALT group, or each community may have its own, with periodic coordination among the individual councils.

Most SALT councils meet monthly. Most carry out activities through the efforts of active subcommittees (i.e., crime prevention education, publicity, special events, reassurance strategies, elder abuse prevention, etc.).

The coordinator for Oklahoma City’s Triad program is Sheryl Presley. Sheryl can be reached at (405) 316-4336. She is available for speaking engagements on the topics of personal and home safety, current frauds and scams and identity theft.

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