PAULA SETTLE – An Oklahoma girl, born in Anadarko, grew up in Elk City, OK graduated Elk City High School and graduated BA English and Journalism from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in 1978. Married John Settle 1977 now with three grown daughters and soon to be 12 grandchildren this month. They co-owned four central Kansas newspapers for 30 years. Paula was co-publisher and Advertising Director for 25 years. Moved back to Oklahoma in 2018.
Volunteer at Villages OKC as Relationship Ambassador, Member of Downtown Rotary Club 29, Member of the OKC Hospitality Club and 2025-26 President Elect of OKC Town Hall Lecture Series.
Jeff Massad – Senior vice president at Quail Creek Bank. Been in banking since 1982, with Quail Creek Bank 27 of those years. Jeff works as a commercial lender with a varied portfolio including Real estate, business assets and any other commercial banking needs.
He is the current president of OKC Town Hall for the 2024-2025 season, has enjoyed finding quality speakers who will educate and inspire, with a good laugh in between. He enjoys Playing music at venues when available, Running the Winchester Drive In Movie theatre on the weekends and spending family time with his wife and 4 children.
OKC Town Hall meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 11:00am at the Church of the Servant, 14343 N. MacArthur Blvd, ОКС, ОК.
Meals are offered for a fee, after each 50 minute talk, at the same location with an opportunity to ask questions of the speaker. A most stimulating time with a great meal!
Town Hall’s mission is to enhance the quality of life in Oklahoma by providing a forum for nationally recognized speakers who enrich, entertain, stimulate, inform and educate.
Contact: Molly – 405-202-4262
Email: Yvonne King at