Home made refreshments, ribbon-cutting and a tour of the Memory Gardens will be included in this GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION – June 26, 2021 at 10am.
Also pictured in the OSJ Radio Studio this Saturday morning is Herb MAGLEY as a former caregiver to his wife & best friend with early onset Alzheimer’s at age 54 Herb was her caregiver for 11 years. Herb let’s us know about 200,000 Oklahomans are either suffering with a dementia or caring for those loved ones with dementia. Herb has started 7 support groups here in Oklahoma City, including 1 for those living with Alzheimer’s. Herb the country giving speeches to thousands of caregivers dealing with various dementias.

Dr. Germaine Odenheimer is a Geriatric Neurologist, Professor Emeritus at OU College of Medicine, Master Gardener and Advocate for those suffering with dementia. She cared for her mother with dementia who is the inspiration for this garden. She was faculty at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, University of South Carolina and Harvard Medical School before joining OU College of Medicine to develop a geriatric curriculum for medical students.
She serves as advisor to the State Council on Aging and Long Term Care Ombudsman sub-committee, provides ongoing support to Alzheimer’s support groups and has been named to Oklahoma’s “Healthy Brain Initiative Coalition.”
Herb Magley has lost 5 family members to Alzheimer’s, including his best friend and wife, diagnosed at age 54. Herb was so profoundly affected on their 11-year journey that he became a passionate supporter of Alzheimer’s family caregivers. At his own cost, he has travelled the country giving speeches of support to thousands of Alzheimer’s caregivers. He was elected to the local Alzheimer’s Assn Board and serves on the Advocacy Committee, meeting with our legislators to increase research funding to find a cure. Herb chaired the OKC “Walk to End Alzheimer’s” the major fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association, and has started 7 support groups in OKC.
Where can folks or Businesses give Donations or find out more information about the Memory Garden?
Their website is: https://
Search for “The Friends of Will Rogers Gardens Foundation” and then go to the menu to find the Memory Garden link
Facebook: https://www.
Search for “Will Rogers Memory Garden Ribbon Cutting”
Google: A Memory Garden-The Friends of Will Rogers Garden Foundation
Instagram: @friends.of.wrg
Twitter: @FriendsofWRG
email: friendsofwrgardens@
Phone: Peggy Wood 405-206-7568
Will Rogers Gardens: 3400 NW 36th Street, between Portland Ave and Hefner Parkway (I-44)
(The Memory Garden is to the left after you go through the main entrance of Will Rogers Gardens)