Senior Games are all about agility, camaraderie, fun, friendly competition, socialization & record making! Let’s talk about Golf ⛳️ scramble, table, tennis and water-walk! These are just a few of the 30 competitions you can be involved in or at least be a spectator! This is Oklahoma Senior Games! okseniorgames.com Pictured left is; Terry Peters, next is; Regina Stewart & Dennis Rhodes!
The Rise & Thrive OSJ Radio Hour is bring you the best of being “Young at Heart!” Tune is This Saturday (5/18/24) @ 9:05am on FREEDOM 96.9FM  along with 1700 podcast platforms… that brings us to almost 100,000 in listenership!
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Terry Peters attended the Univ. of Oklahoma as an Outstanding Defensive back. Some of his accomplishments were:All Big 8, Defensive MVP of the 76 Fiesta Bowl, he made big plays, in some of the Sooners biggestgames while, they Enjoyed Two back-to-backNational Championships in 1974 & 1975. Had a short career in Pro- Football with several teams. He is here now to speak to you, about how you can “Play like a Champion” in the Senior State Games

Regina Stewart is an athlete and former President, former Vice President, and current board member and volunteer coordinator,  track and field event director, and new sport golf scramble event director for OK Sr Games. Regina has been involved with Ok Senior Games since 2016. She has competed in Oklahoma and Kansas State Games, local games in Ardmore, Yukon and Muskogee, and 7 Nationals. Regina has qualified for 22 All American Awards and has ranked in top 10 in masters rankings. Regina loves to compete to stay healthy and fit to keep up with grands, “I enjoy working with Oklahoma Senior Games so other athletes and myself can continue to compete and stay active and enjoy the great people you meet along the way.”
Dennis Rhodes was born in 1954 in Peoria, Illinois. He is a chaplain and board member with the O.J.P.M. (Oklahoma Jail and Prison Ministry). He also has a company that builds computers and sets up networks for businesses. He has studied theology for 50 years and has just finished publishing his first book (it’s all about control). He has been a counselor with P.L.A.N. (Pro-Life Action Network).  And also a counselor with the Jerry Johnson evangelistic team.  He has been playing tournament table tennis for 10 years and played in the senior games for about 7 years.
Facebook: Oklahoma Senior Games

Call: 405-821-1500


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