11-25-23: The Santa Market LIVE REMOTE!! OSJ Radio Hour Dec. 2nd from The Santa 🎅 Market !!!

It is December 1st & 2nd (Friday & Saturday) and The Oklahoma Senior Journal/ Rise & Thrive OSJ Radio Hour  will be conducting a LIVE REMOTE at 9:05AM on FREEDOM 96.9 FM to 10 o’clock-AM from The Santa 🎅 Market on December 2nd, 2023 (Saturday) just inside The Pavilion Building at the OKC Fair Grounds.

The Oklahoma Senior Journal has been a Diamond Sponsor for the last 12 Years!

If you missed our Interview a few weeks ago with Joan Clark, who is the co-founder of The Santa 🎅 Market along with a couple of vendors. Here is an edited version of that OSJ radio show to listen to.



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