10-6-18: Herb Magley, Alzheimer’s Association OK Chapter Board Member & Leshia Pearson, Walk Mgr OKC Walk to End Alzheimer’s

This week on The Rise & Thrive OSJ Radio 📻 Hour 
Saturdays 9:05 a.m. on The Eagle, KZLS 1640AM or listen in on the OSJ app and website “Home Page” anytime! 

Guests in the OSJ Radio Studio: Herb Magley,Board Member of the Alzheimer’s Association Oklahoma Chapter and Leshia Pearson, Walk Manager for the Oklahoma City Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Walk to End Alzheimer’s in OKC is Saturday, October the 13th at The Downtown Bicentennial Park!

Herb Magley is a Board Member of the Alzheimer’s Association Oklahoma Chapter, leads several local support

groups, is an advocate to state and federal legislators, speaks throughout the country on various Alzheimer’s topics, was the OKC Walk to End Alzheimer’s Chair for the past 2 years and was the caregiver for his wife and best friend, Gail for 11 years. Gail was diagnosed with Younger Onset Alzheimer’s Disease in 2005 at the age of 54.

Leshia Pearson is the Walk Manager for the Oklahoma City Walk to End Alzheimer’s. She also plans and implements a brand new fundraising event, that happens during the Kentucky Derby right here in OKC Called: Horses, Hats and Hope in May 2019 as well as managing the OKC Alzhemier’s Walk on October the 13th in Downtown OKC at the Bicentennial Park in front of the Civic Center opening at 7:30am Walk Begins at 9am. Both events have brought new volunteers, donors and awareness for the Alzheimer’s Association. Leshia genuinely believes in the care and support programs the Alzheimer’s Association offers to those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia’s and their families.

For More Info, to register, volunteer, attend a Alzhemier’s/Caregivers Support Group, or donate to the Walk to End Alzheimer’s call (405) 319-0780 or click here : https://www.alz.org/oklahoma

or register to walk: http://act.alz.org/site/TR?sid=23932&type=fr_informational&pg=informational&fr_id=11461

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